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Oct 10, 2020
the last time - aishwarya
"they say you die twice. one time when you stop breathing, and a second time, a bit later on..."

Oct 8, 2020
the loss of a child - ananyaa mishra
"why did i have to trade-off between happiness and life for my child? why couldn’t my child have both?"

Oct 6, 2020
photo series: death & the ganges - rhea kothari
"death is no stranger to the banks of the ganges. descending from the himalayas, the ganges flow through the cities of rishikesh and..."

Oct 4, 2020
hazy notes on grief and loss - saachi gupta
“i was told that at some point, i will have to make the choice between remembering you and letting you go.”

Oct 1, 2020
renaissance - caitlin peck
"death may be to an afterlife, or reincarnation, or simply from a state of being to un-being. moths act in all three of these facets."

Sep 29, 2020
curtains: in conversation with dov
"i live my truth and share my art."

Sep 28, 2020
pompeii: a symbol of death
"life in pompeii wasn't especially remarkable. but life is not what pompeii is known for."

Sep 26, 2020
taco & you - mayuri makwana
"i adopted your dog today. taco is a nice dog. i remember the day we named him. i dont feel lonely anymore."

Sep 24, 2020
motherland - mannav jaisinghani
"by the time i am my mother's age,
i will be dead."

Sep 22, 2020
abyss - erhan us
"if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

Sep 20, 2020
curtains: in conversation with gouda
"without creating, i am nothing. thus my death is neither celebratory nor reflective; in fact, it's quite sad."

Sep 18, 2020
photo series: death & nature - sarah boada
"visually, it looks like the plant was "hanging itself" in a premeditated attempt of suicide."

Sep 16, 2020
emmetropia - brecht lanfossi

Sep 14, 2020
the happy flower - jahnavi john
"have you ever seen these same energetic flowers in the evening? just after dusk? have you seen how they wilt?"

Sep 12, 2020
expressions of grief in adolescence - johnny willems
"fear of rejection; not wanting to be different from peers."

Sep 10, 2020
the time keeper - keisha wee
"rhythmically right on the hour, i would listen and hear that the bells would chime their song and the pendulum would swing back and forth."

Sep 8, 2020
a letter to death: a fear i have now deciphered - arundhati nair & mukul jindal
"being smaller has its advantages, and you are not as close to the ground as i am."

Sep 1, 2020
pitru paksha: the hindu tradition of ancestor worship - neeharika nene
"Pitru Paksha is observed as a time to pay homage to our ancestors through rites, ceremonies, and offerings."

Aug 31, 2020
which me will i be today? - nikita joseph
“every me has died, a little piece, every day.”

Aug 30, 2020
galaxies - deeti gupta
"your love for constellations and stars kept you alive, whereas i could identify less than five."
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