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curtains: in conversation with treasvre

San Francisco five-piece TREASVRE encapsulate that specific synth-rock vibe that’ll have you alone in your room with the air guitar and drumsticks belting their lyrics at the top of your voice as you dim the lights low and wish for strobes. The atmosphere they create is reminiscent of dreamlike 80s shoegaze, with an ethereal depth that penetrates the head and has it nodding heroin-chic-like along to their sick guitar riffs.

Earlier this year, TREASVRE released 2-side single Heavy Arms / Secrets, the final chapter of the four-part series of music recorded in 2020. Both are songs about moving on, but from juxtaposed perspectives – one clinging to a thing already gone, one ready and relieved to be going. Both gorgeous to listen to. They are hoping to release another single in coming months and a full EP by the end of 2021.

In conversation with TREASVRE, we discuss the fear and taboo of death, and how it motivates them to live a fulfilling life.

photo: jeff straw

Push Up Daisies: What has your relationship with death always been like, and how do you view it now?

TREASVRE: Death has always been a scary topic; we didn’t talk about it much growing up. We’ve experienced it in various ways as adults through the deaths of family and friends, but it’s still something that isn’t easy to think about. We view it as a natural part of life, but accepting it as such is sometimes easier said than done.

Push Up Daisies: Are you spiritual or religious? How do you think your culture/ideals affect your perception of death?

TREASVRE: We aren’t particularly spiritual, even though some of us were raised in religious households. Our culture is very avoidant of the topic of death, so we don’t get much practice talking about it. It’s something we discuss in hushed tones only when absolutely necessary — otherwise, the subject matter of death is considered too morbid for polite conversation.

Push Up Daisies: As a creative, how does the thought or fear of death inspire you/does it ever drive you to create more?

TREASVRE: Grappling with our own mortality is one of the unique human conditions that sets us apart from other animals. As we’ve lost people throughout the years, it has widened our perspective on the value and meaning of death. We aren’t necessarily driven by the fear of it. Rather, we feel more motivated by the desire to lead a fulfilling life while we can. We understand that our time on this earth is short and unpredictable, so that definitely compels us to make the most out of it.

Push Up Daisies: How would you like to be remembered?

TREASVRE: We would like to be remembered as genuine people. We’ve made an effort to be honest in our music and how we present ourselves to the world, and we hope others see and appreciate our vulnerability. Of course, we’d also love to be remembered for the music we make and the impact it has on people.

Push Up Daisies: What are you most proud of in your life?

TREASVRE: We are proud of this project and how we have persevered as a band. It wasn’t always easy to keep TREASVRE going, but we’ve overcome the hurdles and become stronger for it. The obstacles we encountered made us really look at why we do what we do and what we want to get out of it, and how we can better work together to achieve our common goals.

Push Up Daisies: How does the thought of death affect your everyday life?

TREASVRE: It’s something that goes through our heads on a regular basis, whether we are walking through San Francisco, going on a bicycle or motorcycle ride, or even when we are just doing daily routines, it occasionally will pop into our minds. The thought of death is a sobering reminder of the importance of living our lives authentically, and inspires us to make the most out of the present moment.

photo: jeff straw

Push Up Daisies: In what ways can it be healthy to contemplate death?

TREASVRE: Death is an inevitable, natural part of life. The more we think about it, the less scary it becomes. We will all encounter death throughout our lives, and eventually every one of us will experience it ourselves. The more we contemplate it and discuss it with each other, the less taboo the topic becomes, and the more open we can be about it. Scary things are usually that way because we lack understanding, so the more we understand death, the less scary it seems to us.

Push Up Daisies: Have you ever seen a film/art piece/read a book revolving around death, that left its mark on you?

TREASVRE: Sabrina’s all-time favorite book is “As I Lay Dying” by William Faulkner. It’s a 1930 Southern Gothic novel that tells the story of a family’s journey to honor their recently deceased mother’s dying wish to be buried in her hometown. It’s a beautiful piece of writing filled with morbid details, dark humor, and heart wrenching plot twists. One of Evan’s favorite TV shows is “Six Feet Under,” which takes a comically ironic look at death through the eyes of a family who owns a funeral home. Coincidentally, Sam used to work at a funeral home, and so she’s no stranger to being around death. Her favorite death-focused film is “Beetlejuice,” which is a very fantastical and absurd take on the idea of death and the afterlife.

Push Up Daisies: Is there something that you would be willing to die for? What would this be?

TREASVRE: There are probably plenty of things we’d be willing to die for, but we are more interested in what we are living for. Death is the ultimate sacrifice one can make, but in our modern society we aren’t often faced with that possibility. In extreme circumstances, we would die to protect others or for a noble cause, but we will likely never have to make that decision.

Push Up Daisies: What are your ideal and worst ways to die?

TREASVRE: Ideally, we would like to die peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones. There are many, many terrible ways to die, but we don’t care to go into the details. We hope when our time comes, we can be supported by our families and friends and transition over knowing that we are loved.


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